
Ghostwriting | Collaborative Writing | Developmental Editing | Copyediting and Proofreading

If you are at this point with us, congratulations! That means we have thoroughly explored your book premise and we have a signed contract. Now what? If your idea is still in your head or you have an outline or a general sketch, we can introduce you to a top ghostwriter or collaborative writer who will work with you to get the book out of your head and into book format. Our team of ghostwriters has worked on hundreds of best-selling books, and we take great care making sure you have a superb match for yours. If your manuscript is complete, then we will assign an editor to do a developmental edit for content and cohesiveness.

No manuscript is complete until it is properly edited. Beyond spelling and punctuation, the writing must flow. A book must read like a book. Is your manuscript repetitive in places? Does it lack something you can’t put your finger on? We will help you find the right path to completion. This process is highly collaborative between you and our editorial team, and your satisfaction is the goal. Once your manuscript enters the editorial process, not only will a developmental editor work to bring your message to life, but your book will then move on to copyediting and proofing to ensure that your book is polished and ready for print.