
Simon & Schuster Sales and Distribution, Export Sales and International Rights

In terms of distribution, it is important to drill down into what this means to most publishers that label themselves “hybrid.” Most of these companies will tell you that your book will be “available” in every bookstore. What this means is that the books are uploaded to the database at Ingram Content Group, the largest distributor of books. As a result, your book will be available for order from those stores’ websites, but it will never be sold to those stores, nor will your physical book be on their shelves. We have an exclusive distribution agreement with Simon & Schuster (S&S), one of the five biggest publishing companies in the country. What this means is our books are actively sold to all traditional book retailers, no matter how big or small. Since the inception of Forefront Books, we have published several New York Times best sellers, something that cannot be accomplished without real distribution.

In addition, we also have international distribution in two ways:

First, our english language books are exported around the globe to retailers that sell english language editions.

We also have a committed agent selling translation rights to publishers around the world. We have books in French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, and other languages as well.